Your Success is our Priority: Delivering Aviation Safety Excellence
On 1 May 2024, during the ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium (GISS) in Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) three globally leading aviation training institutions launched a unique strategic training partnership for training collaboration. The tripartite agreement features the Incheon Airport Aviation Academy (IAAA), the JAA Training Organisation (JAA TO) and the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS).
Together, IAAA, JAA TO and Singapore Aviation Academy (the training arm of CAAS) are pleased to offer the A7 Global Safety Certificate Programme (GSCP), the world’s first joint programme in aviation safety regulatory training.

Choose your Classroom
The A7 GSCP lets you choose where to start the three-course certificate programme. Your journey starts at one of three most-renowned organisations in global aviation training.

Uniting Excellence in Aviation Safety Training
IAAA, JAA TO and SAA jointly launched the training programme “A7 Global Safety Certificate Program (GSCP)" focusing on aviation safety. By integrating the flagship courses of three globally leading training centres and structuring them into two optimal tracks (Safety Management Track or Safety Inspector Track), the programme will offer essential knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) and insights tailored for aviation safety managers and inspectors.

Ready to train with us?
For questions, please get in touch with the respsective organisation that hosts the training course.
Contact IAAA: iaaa@airport.kr
Contact JAA TO: training@jaato.com
Contact SAA: saa@caas.gov.sg
Contact A7 Programme: a7gscp@airport.kr